screenshot by Margaret Scaia

The  BC  History  of  Nursing  Society  publishes  the  History  of  Nursing  Newsletter  twice  a  year,  with  local,  provincial  and  national  history  of  nursing  news,  book  reviews,  articles,  photographs  and  commentary. The first issue of the newsletter came out in 1989 and has continued since without interruption.   A Summer Bulletin was introduced in 2023.

 To Submit News

News items, historical research in progress, articles and book reviews are welcomed and appreciated.  A committee oversees the content and production of the newsletters. The  deadline  for  submissions  to  the Fall Newsletter submission by Oct 1, 2024.                                                                         To contact the editor, please contact us.

Read Past Issues

The issues since 1990 can be viewed by clicking below on the desired issue.

