Joyce Campkin (1924-2021)

Joyce Campkin (1924-2021)

See Oral History files, Fonds 18, Series 3, Subseries 8, AUOH24, CDOH40

Graduating from VGH in 1947, Joyce went on to VGH OR post graduate work at VGH, a diploma from McGill University in clinical teaching and supervision, and a BSN from UBC in 1972. She worked mostly at VGH in gynecology, OR, SON clinical instructor, and orthopedics.

She describes her greatest career satisfaction “sensing and observing the sense of trust (student learner or patient) to one another and the growth of students’, patients’ readiness to participate in supervised teaching of students.

UBC pin is in envelope in artifact collection.

Contents of Biographical File

  1. Biographical Information Profile with signed release
  2. News in General (July/August 1984) with photo of Campkin
  3. Photograph
  4. Publicity sheet for her autobiography Good Times

Wilma Elaine Crockett (1951-2001)

Wilma Crockett graduated from the Prince Edward Island School of Nursing in 1972. She came to work at the Trail Regional Hospital, and in 1980 began her focus on dialysis care. She became head nurse of the small yet highly efficient Trail renal unit in 1986. She served on nine renal agency committees and made contributions to a number of other organizations. She died in a car accident on her way to the grand opening of the Sparwood Dialysis Unit.

Contents of Biographical File

Letter and supporting material concerning submission of Crockett for inclusion in the RNABC Memorial Book.



Tania Dick

Dick, Tania

An aboriginal from Kingcome Inlet, Tania has survived racism and discrimination to become a specialist in Emergency and Aboriginal Health.  She has been a RN in BC for 12 years and received a Masters degree in the Nurse Practitioner program at UBC   in 2010 and is active in the ARNBC, becoming president elect in 2015 and president 2017-2019. Her goal is to empower nurses to use their voice, and work together to benefit both the nursing family and the health of all British Columbians.  She has played a key role in advancing the Association’s work around aboriginal health nursing. She currently works full time as a general duty nurse in her father’s rural village Alert Bay BC.

Contents of Biographical File

  1. Biography for being President-elect
  2. “Tania’s Story” from the Canadian Nurses Foundation
  3. Photograph and career highlights

Jacqueline Chapman (1935-2009)

Chapman, Jacqueline “Jackie” (1935-2009)

Jackie graduated from the Vancouver General Hospital  SON in 1957.After obtaining her BSN from UBC in 1958, Jacquie worked on a surgical ward at VGH, advancing to the position of head nurse.  She later moved on to head nursing roles in the ICU at Royal Columbia Hospital and was an instructor at UBC from 1962 to 1965.  She received her Masters from Case Western in 1967 and her doctorate from New York University in 1975.

As a researcher Jacquie blazed a trail for many later nurses.  She was influential in research that led to improved care in neonatal nurseries, including the importance of premature babies having opportunities for bonding with their parents and the effects of auditory stimulation on their development.

Contents of Biographical File

  1. Curriculum Vitae, ca. 1995.
  2. Information from Internet sources.
  3. Obituaries
  4. Photograph

Frances Cannon (1941-2005)

Cannon (nee Caldwell), Frances Jean (1941-2005)

“Fran” is best known as becoming, in 1972, the first woman to swim the 21-mile Georgia Strait connecting Vancouver Island with the Lower Mainland.  A plaque honoring this achievement is erected on Granville Island on the Trans Canada Trail.

She graduated from Vancouver General Hospital SON in 1963, winning the award for the highest standing in bedside nursing in a class of more than 170.  She worked in Public Health in both BC and Ontario and taught Maternity Child Health at a Toronto Hospital.

Contents of Biographical File

  1. Biographical information
  2. VGH Commencement program for 1962
  3. Candlelight capping for 1963
  4. Congratulatory letter from Beverly DuGas May 30, 1963.
  5. J.L. Crowe High School Reunion, 1980.
  6. St. John Ambulance First Aid Certificate.
  7. Articles on her swimming
  8. Photocopied photographs.  Five prints
  9. Obituary  Vancouver Sun, Jan29, 2005

Rob Calnan

Calnan, Rob

Rob Calnan was president of the RNABC from 1997-1999, and subsequently served for a number of years as President of the Canadian Nurses Association.  He graduated from BCITs nursing program and later received a BSN in 1987 and a M.Ed. in 1990 from the University of Victoria.   He has worked as a nurse in Haiti and is a strong advocate for the values of equity and justice.  He has worked at Camosun College as a member of the University of Victoria Collaborative Partnership and also maintained a clinical practice in the Intensive Care Unit at Victoria General Hospital. In 2018 is Coordinator of Site Operations for  Victoria General & Cowichan District  Hospital.

Contents of Biographical file

  1. “New RNABC President Seen as Mentor”, Nursing BC, August-September 1997, p. 8.
  2. “Why Nurses Matter”, Nursing BC, November-December 1997, pp. 4-5.
  3. “Investing in Ourselves,” Nursing BC, January-February 1998, pp. 4-5.
  4. “On Being Inspired,” Nursing BC, March-April 1998, pp. 4-5.
  5. “Turning Point”, Nursing BC, May-June 1998, pp. 4-6.
  6. “Fitness for Purpose,” Nursing BC, July-August 1998, p. 4.
  7. “What Are Our Goliaths,” Nursing BC, November-December 1998, pp. 4-5.
  8. “The Health of Health Care,” Nursing BC, March-April 1999, pp. 4-5.
  9. “Establishing Traditions, Nursing BC, January-February 1999, pp. 4-5.
  10. “Leave No Stone Unturned,” Nursing BC, May-June 1999, pp. 4-7.
  11. “Follow Your Passion”, Nursing BC, August-September 1999, pp. 4-5.
  12. 2006 CRNBC Awards, “Award of Merit:  Rob Calnan”, Nursing BC, June 2006, p. 1.
  13. CNA President-elect Candidate
  14. “Nursing Profiles:  Rob Calnan”, Abstract.  Nursing Leadership, 17 (1), March 2004.
  15. “Nursing Leaders Express the Need for Major Change in Health Policy,” Association of Registered Nurses of BC blog, December 21, 2013.
  16. Colour Photograph, 4×5.

Gertrude Buckland (1881-1961)

Buckland (nee Wilshire), Gertrude “Billie” (1881-1961)

Gertrude was born in Australia where she trained as a nurse to help ease her family’s financial burden occasioned by her father’s death., graduating from Sydney Hospital in 1902.  She travelled to Canada where she worked at the Vancouver City Hospital.  Later she moved to New Zealand with her husband, then back to Canada in 1921.  She raised a total of seven children.

Contents of Biographical File

  1. Sponsoring information by Kirstine Buckland Griffith for Pages of History.
  2. Photograph

Stephanie Buckingham

Buckingham, Stephanie

From 1998, Stephanie was employed as a professor in the Bachelor of Science in the Nursing program at Vancouver Island University.  She had graduated from the Royal Jubilee School of Nursing in 1973, and completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a Master of Arts and Leadership and Training. She also spent 27 years as a Nursing Officer with the Naval Reserve, culminating with being interim Commanding Officer of HMCS Carleton in Ottawa.

Contents of Biographical File

  1. Autobiography
  2. Biography accompanying uniform donated to BC History of Nursing Society
  3. Photograph of Stephanie Buckingham as Commanding Officer of HMCS Carleton with unidentified man.

Muriel Bamford (1918-2017)

Bamford, Muriel  Ruth (1918-2017)

Muriel graduated from Toronto’s Wellesley Hospital in 1941.  Until 1943 she did industrial nursing at General Electric, and in 1946 was sent to India as a missionary nurse for the United Church.  She remained nursing in India for most of the time until her retirement in 1975.  Following her return to Canada, from 1977 to 1983 she worked at UBC Hospital’s Purdy Pavilion.

Contents of Biographical File

  1. Tape release and referral worksheet.
  2. Biographical notes
  3. Correspondence re interview. – 2006.
  4. Obituary
  5. Photograph

Barbara Anderson (1916-2008)

Anderson (nee Schierbeck), Barbara

bandersonSee Oral History Files, Fonds 18, Series 3, Subseries 8.

Barbara immigrated from Denmark to Quebec in 1920.  From 1937 to 1939 she took a children’s nursing course at Ottawa Children’s Hospital, where she subsequently worked as a nurse.  She served in the Canadian Air Force from 1942 to 1945.  Her nursing career included nursing care at an Indian reservation near Whitehorse and work in Victoria and Vancouver.  From 1966 to 1989 she lived in Burnaby where she taught chair exercises and did massage therapy.

Contents of Biographical File

  1. Biographical Information Profile with signed release
  2. 1 letter dated March 20, 2002 from Ethel Warbinek
  3. 1 card
  4. RCAF [poem]
  5. One photograph