: Call for News: CAHN-ACHN Spring 2020 Newsletter

We salute our health professionals during this crisis, especially our nurses. We also hope that you and yours are well.

We’re calling for news for the CAHN-ACHN Spring 2020 newsletter. Our theme for this issue is frontline nurses in epidemics, which seems fitting for these times. If you have an idea for an article or story about this epidemic or a previous one, please pitch it to us or send us the article/story. Photos are also very welcome.

We’re also asking for conference news. If you were at Florence 2020 or in Brazil, we’d like to hear about your experiences. And we’ll also be posting news about conferences that have been postponed, so if you’ve had to postpone a conference you’ve organized, please let us know.

If you’ve published a new book or article, or know of one that’s of interest to our readers, please send us that info, too. And if you’ve reviewed a new book, perhaps you could shorten your review and send it to us.

The deadline for submissions is Monday, April 20th, 2020. Submissions are welcome in French or English.

Andrea McKenzie, Communications Manager

Noreen Bolton, Newsletter Editor

CBC News reports on Nova Scotia History of Nursing Group

Gloria Stephens, a former BCHNS member left BC a few years back and established the Nova Scotia History of Nursing Group. She was recently interviewed by the CBC Atlantic News that featured the group’s archives located at the former Victoria General Hospital School of Nursing in Halifax.  Good job Gloria!!!

To see the interview go to https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/victorial-general-school-of-nursing-alumni-keeping-the-memory-alive-1.5477444



CAHN-ACHN offers two major financial awards each year: the Margaret M. Allemang Scholarship for graduate students (Masters or PhD level) studying in the field of nursing history, and the Vera Roberts Endowment for historians of nursing (academic or independent) who are working on Canadian nursing history focused on regions north of the 60th parallel.

CAHN/ACHN – Margaret M. Allemang Scholarship  (deadline for applying is March 15, 2020)

CAHN/ACHN -Vera Roberts’ Research Award  (deadline for applying is March 31, 2020)


April 30, 2020 Event

Nursing Artifacts and Nurse’s Uniforms: Preserving Nurses’ Cultural History

A Symposium in Honor of the BC History of Nursing Society’s 30th Anniversary


CAHN/ACHN Call for Abstracts


June 10-12, 2020  in Ottawa, Ont

“Care in Conflict: Health Care Under Tension”

Deadline for submission:  December 1, 2019

The history of nursing is deeply marked by conflicts. Whether it is the struggle for professional identity, engagement in military conflicts as medical staff, or the various sociopolitical barriers as nurses sought to carry out their nursing practice. It is this tension, inherent in the history of nursing, that we wish to explore during this conference.
Papers touching on the broadly defined themes of tension and conflict within nursing and healthcare are welcome. The aim will be to highlight the different facets of conflicts in the history of health care.
Abstracts on other topics related to the history of nursing and health care will also be reviewed by the selection committee.

Please submit a one-page abstract (250 words max.) and a one page CV for consideration to the Online form.