Jan 14, 2022 Event

The virtual launch on 14 January at 1-2 pm PST. This event will be hosted by Simon Fraser University, where a Shadbolt Fellowship that has made this project possible.

COVID in the House of Old – Virtual Launch and Artist Talk – 14 January 2022


The project website https://covidinthehouseofold.ca/ will include the entire exhibit, the podcast, and educational materials. It will go live January 14. Project email for further information: [email protected]

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CAHN-ACHN offers financial award

CAHN-ACHN offers two major financial awards each year: the Margaret M. Allemang Scholarship for graduate students (Masters or PhD level) studying in the field of nursing history, and the Vera Roberts Endowment for historians of nursing (academic or independent) who are working on Canadian nursing history focused on regions north of the 60th parallel.

ACHN-CAHN offre deux offres de financement chaque année: le Bourse d’étudiant(e) Margaret M. Allemang pour subventionner les recherches conducteur par des étudiants(es) (maîtrise et doctorales) en histoire du nursing Canadien, et le Fonds Vera Roberts pour les recherches et les publications en histoire du nursing en régions éloignées au Canada avec une priorité accordée aux régions circumpolaires canadiennes (au nord du 60ième parallèle).

Applications due March 31st 2021 – please apply to Margaret Scaia, [email protected] see:   CAHN/ACHN Scholarships and Awards March 31 deadline to apply


Dr. Shirley Stinson passes June 4, 2020

Dr. Shirley Marie Stinson, OC, AOE, RN, EdD, LLD (Hon), DSc (Hon), DSL (Hon)

Shirley Marie Stinson, an outstanding and visionary nursing leader, passed away Thursday, June 4, 2020, from complications of Parkinson’s Disease at the age of 90 years.  Her major contributions to graduate education for nurses and to development of a national and international nursing research infrastructure made her one of the most honoured of Canadian nurses.  At her investiture as Officer into the Order of Canada in 2002, she was praised for her work to raise the profile of nursing in Canada and for her contributions “to improved standards of patient care around the world.” She also received the Alberta Order of Excellence, the province’s highest award. She was a president of the Canadian Nurses Association and among her many honours was that organization’s top award, the Jeanne Mance Medal.

Dr. Stinson had a passion for history of nursing, and was a long-time member of the BCHNS and a founding member of the Canadian Association for the History of Nursing. As a faculty member at the University of Alberta, she encouraged the teaching of history of nursing and was a mentor to at least a generation of nurses on the subject.

For more information and her obituary notice please click on link below: https://edmontonjournal.remembering.ca/obituary/dr-shirley-stinson-1079321899


Dissertation Summary of eroding public health nurse role

Very interesting article shared in the Community Health Nurses of BC Newsletter…this dissertation submitted by: Megan Kirk RN, BScN,MSc,PhD(c) toward her PhD.  The whole newsletter in fact, made for interesting reading during Nurses week and Year of the Nurse.  Thank you Ethel Warbinek for passing this along to share with those interested in Public Health History of Nursing!! Continue reading

: Call for News: CAHN-ACHN Spring 2020 Newsletter

We salute our health professionals during this crisis, especially our nurses. We also hope that you and yours are well.

We’re calling for news for the CAHN-ACHN Spring 2020 newsletter. Our theme for this issue is frontline nurses in epidemics, which seems fitting for these times. If you have an idea for an article or story about this epidemic or a previous one, please pitch it to us or send us the article/story. Photos are also very welcome.

We’re also asking for conference news. If you were at Florence 2020 or in Brazil, we’d like to hear about your experiences. And we’ll also be posting news about conferences that have been postponed, so if you’ve had to postpone a conference you’ve organized, please let us know.

If you’ve published a new book or article, or know of one that’s of interest to our readers, please send us that info, too. And if you’ve reviewed a new book, perhaps you could shorten your review and send it to us.

The deadline for submissions is Monday, April 20th, 2020. Submissions are welcome in French or English.

Andrea McKenzie, Communications Manager

Noreen Bolton, Newsletter Editor