Associate member DR. SUSAN ARMSTRONG-REID received the 2018 Lavinia M. Dock award for her recent book China Gadabouts: New Frontiers of Humanitarian Nursing, 1941-51. The book, published by UBC Press, examines previously unexplored and undervalued roles of Western and Chinese nurses in the famous China Convoy’s humanitarian efforts from 1941 to 1951.
The American Association for the History of Nursing gives the Dock award to the author of a book noted for its outstanding research and writing. Susan writes “it was exciting to win the award. It would be lovely to share the news with BC colleagues. Your organization and Glennis Zilm have been extremely supportive of my work.”
For more information about the book, see https://www.ubcpress.ca/china-gadabouts.

Member LYDIA WYTENBROEK successfully defended her doctoral dissertation for a PhD in the Graduate Program in History at York University in September. Her dissertation title is “American Mission Nurses in Iran, 1907-1947: Faith, Gender and Profession.” Lydia writes “I am very grateful for BCHNS support of my work over the years. I am currently the Rice Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellow in Nursing and Health Care History at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, where I am working on transforming my dissertation into a book!”
For more information about Lydia’s dissertation and her current challenges, check out the Fall Issue of the BC History of Nursing Society Newsletter, page 10.

Member JENNIFER STEPHENS received her PhD from UBC in May 2018. Her dissertation titled “Exploring issues of identity for Adult Hematology Patients” won the best dissertation award. She received the 2018 Kristine Griffith Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Nursing for Outstanding Dissertation. Dr. Sally Thorne was her advisor.
Jennifer is a member of the BCHNS website committee and manages our Facebook and Twitter accounts. She is also on the Archives Committee and responsible for oral histories.