Meet a few of our Student Members

Ismalia de Sousa

I'm a PhD candidate in the UBC School of Nursing under the supervision of Dr. Sally Thorne and Dr. Sandra Lauck. My primary research interest is health inequities in stroke care, which is the focus of my PhD. During my PhD, I developed a secondary interest in critical history, culminating in a project examining the history of Black nurses in British Columbia, 1845-1910


Publications related to history:

  • De Sousa, I; Wytenbroek, L; Boschma, G; Thorne, S. Reflections on Black Nurses' Invisibility: Exploring the Contribution of Black Nurses to British Columbia (Canada), 1845-1910. Advances in Nursing Science 47(1):p 16-28, January/March 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000484
  • Philbert JK, De Sousa I, Wytenbroek L, Boschma G. What Got Us Here Won’t Get Us There: Critical History in Radical Black Re-imaginations of Canadian Nursing Histories. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/08445621241252187