The VGH School of Nursing Alumnae Association Newsletter, edited and designed by Ethel Warbinek and Mary Watt, received a recognition award at the recent 2014 BC Historical Federation Conference.

Photo credit: Ron Welwood, BCHF

Ethel chairs the alumnae association’s Publicity Committee and along with co-author Mary Watt, produce the impressive Newsletter complete with class news, association activities, and articles of interest to VGH graduates.

The award was presented by Gary Mitchel, newly elected President of the BC Historical Federation.

BCHNS Summer Meeting June 26, 2014

BCHNS Summer Meeting was hosted by Glennis Zilm and attended by 16 with Michelle Eng coming from as far away as Tofino for the the day event! We welcome our newest member Bruce Holvick!  Thank you to all who attended.

This successful meeting’s minutes will be available soon to members.


New Book on Lyle Creelman

The new book, Lyle Creelman: The frontiers of global nursing, is a thoroughly-researched, well-documented book that explores not only Creelman’s life, but how a single nurse can affect global health history and leave a lasting footprint.

The detailed analysis and academic slant make it appealing for scholars of Canadian history, women’s issues, and medical and health history. But the central biographical story will have a wide appeal to nurses across Canada.


Special Thanks to Joan Andrews, CRNBC Library Manager

Joan Andrews, The Helen Randal Library Manager at the CRNBC, was recently thanked for her wonderful  support for the work of the”BC History of Nursing Society” over the years.

Photo credit: BCHNS

In thanking her, Kathy Murphy  stated  some interesting information about the library:  It is Canada’s largest full service specialty nursing practice library. It has books, e-books, e-journals, audiovisual resources, online resources, and helpful librarians. There are over 16,000 uses with 68% from the lower mainland and 32% from all over BC who receive requested books mailed for free.