Clothes Tell Stories

Clothes Tell Stories

An ‘ethnic’ souvenir for a WWI Nurse has brought the Curator at the Museum of Greek Folk Art, Athens, Greece and the BCHNS together.  Curator Eleni Papathoma, M.A. contacted the BCHNS thru “contact us” on our website enquiring about a Nursing...

BCHNS Launches new website October 13, 2016

CHNS had a day of celebration today, celebrating Nina Rumen’s Birthday, Ethel Warbinek’s Birthday and Launching our New Website with Anita Petersen, our Webmaster! Anita walked us through the website pointing out new features and taking suggestions &...

Ethel Johns historic plaque unveiled

Ethel Johns, first Director of the UBC School of Nursing, has been honored by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, Parks Canada, as a “Person of National Historic Significance”.  Johns is one of a very few nurses that have been so honoured. A...