by admin | Jan 3, 2021 | Awards, Member News, Uncategorized
Thanks to BCHNS Honorary Member Glennis Zilm who sent in the following: “BCHNS member Dr. Lydia Wytenbroek, who joined the UBC Nursing faculty this past fall, has been awarded a Healthcare Project Grant of almost $10,000 by AMS Healthcare, formerly the Hannah...
by admin | Jun 5, 2019 | Awards, HON News, Uncategorized
Joanne Whitelaw, daughter of the late June Newton, sent us an e-mail telling us that her mother’s friend and fellow nursing sister Maxine Bredt, had recently received a Quilt of Valor. Maxine, a graduate of the Royal Jubilee Hospital served with her classmate June...
by admin | Mar 11, 2019 | Awards, Uncategorized
Two Scholarships available to Students through CAHN/ACHN The Vera Roberts Endowment, which funds research and publication on the history of outpost nursing in Canada with priority to the Canadian circumpolar regions (north of 60 degrees parallel). Here is a link to...
by admin | Jun 4, 2018 | Awards, HON News, Uncategorized
May 28, 2018 The BC History of Nursing Society is the recipient of the 2017 Best Website award. Each year, the BCHF offers a certificate and cash prize of $250 for the best website on a topic of British Columbia history. The award honours individual or group volunteer...
by admin | Apr 15, 2017 | Awards, Events, Uncategorized
APRIL 13/17 The BCHNS held its AGM and the Officers for this year were presented. President: Kathy Murphy, Vice President: Sally MacLean, Treasurer: Sue Forshaw & Secretary: Lynne Esson. Sally is the new member on the executive and we are happy she was...
by admin | May 11, 2014 | Awards, Events, Member News
Beth Fitzpatrick and Irene Goldstone, both BCHNS members received prestigious awards from UBC School of Nursing Thurs eve. May 8th. Beth the “Award of Recognition.” for the UBC 2014 School of Nursing alumni division, Congratulations Beth! Irene Goldstone...