President: Geertje Boschma
Hello everyone! I am looking forward to meeting and working with all of you! I am a professor at the UBC-V School of Nursing and teach in the undergraduate and graduate programs. My research centers on the history of nursing and mental health care. I am faculty-co-lead of the Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry in the School of Nursing, and a longstanding member of the BCHNS. I am excited to join the BCHNS board as its president, and to work with a great and committed group of people.
Vice President: Lenore Radom
Hello to all, I am pleased to join this new team of Directors for the BCHNS Board, who have willingly stepped forward to lead the group. I have been an active member, participating on several committees, mainly Chair of the BCHNS website. We look forward to your continued support.
Treasurer: Marg Gorrie
Hello, my name is Marg Gorrie, and I am pleased to join the BCHNS board in the role of Treasurer. My interest in nursing history is centered on psychiatric/mental health nursing and community nursing. Prior to retirement, I taught in the Bachelor of Science Nursing program at BCIT.
Secretary: Michelle Danda
Hello there! I am a Registered Nurse (RN) experienced in professional practice, healthcare informatics, mental health, substance use, and harm reduction. I am also a doctoral candidate in the School of Nursing at the University of Alberta. My research is on the history of Registered Practical Nurse education in BC.