by admin | Feb 2, 2012 | Events
“ALZHEIMER’S: YOU SAY GOODBYE AND I SAY HELLO” On March 22 at Hycroft Mansion, History of Nursing members and guests enjoyed a memorable and sensitive performance of a lyrical memoir titled Mind and Memory: You say Goodbye, I Say Hello. ...
by admin | Jan 28, 2012 | Conferences
15-17 June 2012, Medicine Hat, Alberta The 2012 Annual CAHN/ACHN Conference, to be held in Medicine Hat, Alberta on June 15-17, marks the 25th anniversary of our association. Founded in 1987, CAHN/ACHN has an ongoing commitment to stimulate and promote historical...
by admin | Jan 21, 2012 | Suggested Reading
Labor of Love. A Memoir of Gertrude Richards Ladner 1879 to 1976 Authors: Sheila J. Rankin Zerr, Glennis Zilm, Valerie Grant 113p, index, B&W photos/illustrations. Labor of Love: A Memoir of Gertrude Richards Ladner 1879 to 1976 is based on a short family document...
by admin | Nov 16, 2011 | Presentations, Uniforms
Active and retired nurses, faculty and students served as models at Vancouver Island University (VIU) for a presentation on the evolution of nursing attire Monday. Members of the British Columbia History of Nursing Society presented a fashion show at Vancouver Island...