Vera Roberts’ Research Award-Call for Applications

Vera Roberts’ Research Award-Call for Applications

CAHN-ACHN – Vera Roberts’ Research Award/Bourse de recherche Call for Applications/ Appel à Candidatures The Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN-ACHN) invites applications for the Vera Roberts’ Endowment (VRE). The VRE provides funding to...
Jessie Mantle Passes 1932-2021

Jessie Mantle Passes 1932-2021

Jessie Mantle was born in Chemainus and received her diploma in nursing in 1950 from the Royal Jubilee Hospital School of Nursing in Victoria. Her professional nursing career spanned 40 years and her educational accomplishments included a BSN from McGill in 1966, a...
CAHN-ACHN offers financial award

CAHN-ACHN offers financial award

CAHN-ACHN offers two major financial awards each year: the Margaret M. Allemang Scholarship for graduate students (Masters or PhD level) studying in the field of nursing history, and the Vera Roberts Endowment for historians of nursing (academic or independent) who...
For Your Reading Pleasure

For Your Reading Pleasure

In Her Own Footsteps: Flora Ross and Her Struggle for Identity and Independence in the Colonial West by D.J Richardson, released by Butterworth Books in September 2020, tells the true story of 17-year-old Flora Amelia Ross, the Metis daughter of a prominent British...
SAVE THIS DATE and Registration Information

SAVE THIS DATE and Registration Information

Save This Date (Feb 25, 2021 @12 PM) Black (in)Visibility: Black Nurses in Canada Who Paved the Way The Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry in the UBC School of Nursing is holding a panel discussion for Black History Month called: Black (in)Visibility: Black Nurses...