BC History of Nursing Society Presentation of the Nina Rumen Bursary January 18, 2014

Photo Credit: Ethel Warbinek BCHNS
Nina Rumen, an Honorary member of the BC History of Nursing Society since 2003, has experienced the health system as a nurse and a patient. Based on this, and concern about the need to support the education of nurses, she decided to create the Nina Rumen Bursary to recognize a nurse who has made a difference in patient-centered care.
Working with the Scholarship Committee, the criteria was defined:
- The award was to provide financial assistance to a nursing student in a Doctoral Progam in Nursing or Nursing related studies.
- The applicant had to be a current member of the BCHNS, CRNBC and currently enrolled in a doctoral nursing program in B.C., submit a 250 word essay stating his/her goals for education and career, including examples of patient-centered care initiatives. Letters of reference must be submitted from two faculty members or employers and to present his/her dissertation at a mutually agreed venue.
- The Scholarship Committee received one application and after consideration of all of the information provided, proposed that the $5000 Bursary be given to Catherine Haney. Nina reviewed the information and agreed with this decision.
Congratulations Catherine!