Two Scholarships available to Students through CAHN/ACHN
- The Vera Roberts Endowment, which funds research and publication on the history of outpost nursing in Canada with priority to the Canadian circumpolar regions (north of 60 degrees parallel).
Here is a link to it:
- The Dr. Margaret Allemang Scholarship in Nursing History, which seeks to promote the study of Canadian nursing history among students.
Here is the link to that application/information:
A New Grant:
New Bjoring Center Grant for Historical Research on Nurse Practitioners
The Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry (ECBCNHI) is announcing the Advance Practice History Research Scholar Award. The goal of this research award is to disseminate scholarship regarding advance practice nursing to an international audience. By strengthening relationships and collaborations to increase access to historical scholarship, the ECBCNHI hopes to advance historical scholarship to practitioners. A donor has made a gift of $5,000. This will be a one-time award with the potential for continuation. The due date is June 1, 2019 with the intention of the recipient using the award the following academic year.