A Sneak-peak……..

A Sneak-peak……..

The sequel to Marion Crook’s bestselling and award-winning memoir, Always Pack a Candle, is coming out on April 2, 2024.   In Always On Call: Adventures in Nursing, Ranching, and Rural Living intrepid public health nurse Marion Crook juggles marriage,...
For Your Winter Reading……

For Your Winter Reading……

This is a delightful read with an intriguing title! ALWAYS PACK a CANDLE  by nurse author Marion McKinnon Crook is the story of Marion’s nursing experience and adventures in the Cariboo-Chilcotin area of British Columbia in the 1960’s. Published by Heritage House in...
Service on the Skeena

Service on the Skeena

Service on the Skeena is a biography of pioneer physician Horace Wrinch by author Geoff Mynett and published by Ronsdale Press. Dr. Wrinch was the first qualified physician in the northern interior of BC and provided medical care in the region for over thirty years....
For your winter reading pleasure

For your winter reading pleasure

When Days Are Long: Nurse in the North by Amy Wilson This book was originally published as No Man Stands Alone in 1965 by Gray’s Publishing LTD. This new edition, republished by Caitlin Press and titled When Days Are Long: Nurse in the North is a memoir by a field...