Clothes Tell Stories

An ‘ethnic’ souvenir for a WWI Nurse has brought the Curator at the Museum of Greek Folk Art, Athens, Greece and the BCHNS together.  Curator Eleni Papathoma, M.A. contacted the BCHNS thru “contact us” on our website enquiring about a Nursing Sister Winifred Jessie Dowding, shown in the picture, and a souvenir she bought while serving in Greece during WWI.  Papathoma at the end of her article thanks Glennis Zilm and the BC History of Nursing Society for their “immediate and illuminating” response to her questions.

To read full story click on link below:


Ethel Johns historic plaque unveiled

Ethel Johns, first Director of the UBC School of Nursing, has been honored by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, Parks Canada, as a “Person of National Historic Significance”.  Johns is one of a very few nurses that have been so honoured.

Photo Credit: BCHNS Lenore Radom

A recognition ceremony on February 10, 2015 at Cecil Green Park at UBC was attended by 40 guests. For a full report on the event please visit

The bronze plaque will likely be mounted in the patient park near the Koerner Acute Care Hospital Pavilion, which now houses the UBC School of Nursing.

Many thanks to BCHNS members Glennis Zilm and Nan Martin who have worked tirelessly and diligently with Parks Canada for many years to see this recognition happen.

To view more photos click on link below

Special display honoring Ethel Johns, “Person of National Historic Significance.”

A special display in the Foyer of the Woodward Medical Library at the University of BC features the collection of Ethel Johns’ Medals. Johns, who was the first director of the UBC School of Nursing, gave her medals and awards to the Library late in her life.

Photo credit:; UBC photo archives

They include a King Edward Silver Jubilee Medal and a Mary Agnes Snively Medal (the latter from the Canadian Nurses Association).

Ethel Johns has been honored by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, Parks Canada, as a “Person of National Historic Significance” and the displays were set up because a plaque recognizing this honor is to be presented by the Canadian government to UBC this fall. The bronze plaque will be mounted in the patient park near the Koerner Acute Care Hospital Pavilion, which now houses the UBC School of Nursing.


Christina Bates, curator emeritus in history at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, has written a new book, A Cultural History of the Nurse’s Uniform.

This first and only in-depth analysis of the attire worn by the largest workforce in the health care system explores the role of the nurse’s uniform in creating nursing identity for over a hundred years.

Watch for a review of book in a future BCHNS Newsletter!

Published in November 2012 the book can be ordered by email: ([email protected])

online: (  or by phone: (819-776-8387 or 1-800-555-5621).


Welcome to our New Archivist: Francis Mansbridge

We are pleased to announce the appointment of our new Archivist, Francis Mansbridge, who will commence work the last week of June.

Francis has an impressive work experience. He received a PhD in English at the University of Ottawa and taught English for many years at the college level. After studying in the Archival programme at UBC, he was appointed archivist for North Vancouver from 1994-2006. He now does contract work and has written three books: Vancouver Then and Now, Hollyburn: The Mountain and the City, and Launching History based on the history of the Burrard Dry Dock. It won the BC Lieutenant-Governor’s award for history in 2002.  His newest book about the history of West Vancouver will be launched on Sept.15.