We are so proud to be the recipient of the 2010 BCHF newsletter award.

Ron Hyde, BCHF Newsletter Editor , Nan Martin, Sheila Zerr
This was a great honour as our December 2010 newsletter was chosen from the 130 organizations and members. Special thanks to Beth Fitzpatrick, editor, and to Anita Petersen for her design. The award was presented by Barry Gough, BCHF 2nd vice president, who praised the historical quality of our newsletter. Nan Martin and Sheila Zerr attended the meeting and wrote the following.
We enjoyed the 2011 BC Historical Federation (BCHF) AGM and Conference in Powell River May 5-8. The conference was held in the Historic Dwight Hall – a charming venue. Conference participants enjoyed a tour of Texada Island and a glimpse into the island’s fascinating history and geology. A bus tour of the Powell River area revealed the history of a pulp and paper town site where all services and housing were provided by the company owners. Early health care was provided by the company and the tour included a look at the early hospital site and a visit to the restored home of Dr. Henderson, Powell River’s first doctor. Each conference package included a book by Emma Levez People of the White City: Stories from the Powell River Mill and many other historical treasures from the area. Nan Martin presented our BC History of Nursing Society report giving a comprehensive picture of our accomplishments in 2010. The highlight of the conference came at the banquet and awards ceremony when Nan accepted the 2010 award for the best newsletter. We received a beautiful certificate and cheque on behalf of our society for Best Newsletter Award.
Thank you to the Powell River Historical Museum and Archives for hosting a most enjoyable conference. The catering by local chef David Bowes was superb.
Thanks to all who sent congratulations for this honour – we really appreciate your support.
Photo from: Welwoods