Reading List: Caring and Compassion

Caring and CompassionA History of the Sisters of St. Ann in Health Care in British Columbia By Darlene Southwell In 1875 Victoria citizens wanted the Sisters of St. Ann to build a hospital, and even though the organization had no money, they were able to come through...

Welcome to our New Archivist: Francis Mansbridge

We are pleased to announce the appointment of our new Archivist, Francis Mansbridge, who will commence work the last week of June. Francis has an impressive work experience. He received a PhD in English at the University of Ottawa and taught English for many years at...

BC Historical Federation Newsletter Award

We are so proud to be the recipient of the 2010 BCHF newsletter award. This was a great honour as our December 2010 newsletter was chosen from the 130 organizations and members. Special thanks to Beth Fitzpatrick, editor, and to Anita Petersen for her design. The...