Christina Bates, curator emeritus in history at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, has written a new book, A Cultural History of the Nurse’s Uniform. This first and only in-depth analysis of the attire worn by the largest workforce in the health care system explores...

Honouring Dr. Helen Mussallem

A  service  to  celebrate  Helen  Mussallem’s  life  will  be  held  at  West  Point  Grey  United  Church,  8th  and  Tolmie,  on  Saturday  January  12th  at  1  PM. In  lieu  of flowers contributions  may  be  made to  the  Canadian  Nurses  Foundation, 50...

Nursing Leader leaves us,Dr Beverly DuGas

Dr.Beverly Du Gas,  a founding member and the first President of the BC History of Nursing Professional Practise Group, now  Society, suffered  a  severe  stroke  mid  November  and  died  on  November  22nd. Until  about  a  year  ago, Beverly  regularly  attended ...

Beloved BC Nurse, Dr Helen K Mussallem

Dr.Helen Kathleen Mussallem, Canada’s most decorated nursing leader  and  a  native  of  British  Columbia,  died  on  November  10th in  Ottawa  at  98  years  of  age. A graduate of the Vancouver General Hospital School of Nursing, she served overseas during World...