Sad news re: Dr. Sharon Simpson, Kamloops BC

Sharon Simpson, RN, BSN, MSc, EdD, died December 25, 2013, in hospice in Kamloops after a valiant fight with cancer. A long-time member of the BC History of Nursing Society, she was co-author, with Karen Abbott, of Traditions and Transitions, a definitive history of...

Successful Consortium held at UBC

Laurie Meijer Drees & Sonya GrypmaThe first Consortium for Historical Inquiry in Nursing and Health Care, organized by Dr.Geertje Boschma, with generous support from patron & Associate Professor Emerita Helen Shore, proved a very successful event Thurs. Nov...

New Book Release!!

A Call To Nurse:  a new book featuring recollections of former students of the Royal Columbian Hospital School of Nursing. For more information on the book, please call: Pauline Dunn, 604-581-1958  or Myrna Bloch, 604-888-4348 or [email protected] ...

Nina Rumen celebrates 86th Birthday!

Nina Rumen celebrated her 86th Birthday Oct 12th, hosted by her good friend Sheila Zerr. Nina loves a party and celebrated with a few of her BC History of Nursing friends. Congratulations Nina!

Special Thanks to Joan Andrews, CRNBC Library Manager

Joan Andrews, The Helen Randal Library Manager at the CRNBC, was recently thanked for her wonderful  support for the work of the”BC History of Nursing Society” over the years. In thanking her, Kathy Murphy  stated  some interesting information about the...