BC Memorial Book may now be viewed online

 The BC Memorial Book, initiated in the early 1990’s by RNABC, is now available for viewing on-line.  The book tells the stories of “courageous nursing pioneers who made significant contributions to nursing in British Columbia, to the nursing...

Mental Health Week Event in Coquitlam May 4 – 8, 2015

Mental Health Week Event is being held in the Coquitlam area with special speakers and displays. The Riverview Hospital Historical Society invites you to attend.  This event is in partnership with the Coquitlam Public Library. There will be further information posted...

Remembering Helen Saunders 1917 – 2014

Helen Saunders, who many will remember as an Instructor in the OR, died at age 97 in Victoria BC. She wished to stay in her home as long as possible, and this was achieved. I recall climbing up the circular stair case to the OR in the evening to practice draping and...


2015 Conference: CFP Society for the History of Children and Youth Eighth Biennial Conference  ORGANIZED BY MONA GLEASON, Click on link below for more information  http://shcyhome.org/conference/ Early registration until March...