Service on the Skeena

Posted on: January 9, 2020

Service on the Skeena is a biography of pioneer physician Horace Wrinch by author Geoff Mynett and published by Ronsdale Press.

Dr. Wrinch was the first qualified physician in the northern interior of BC and provided medical care in the region for over thirty years. In 1904 he established the Hazelton Hospital (now Wrinch Memorial Hospital), was an early advocate for publicly funded health insurance, a two-term Liberal MLA in the 1920s and worked closely with the Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’ten peoples.

A book launch is being held in Vancouver at St. Phillip’s Anglican Church at 3737 West 27th Avenue on Thursday January 16th at 7:30 pm. For more information about the event contact Ronsdale Press at 604-738-4688 or [email protected].

Be sure to visit the author’s website  and check out his blog to learn more about Service on the Skeena and the life of Horace Wrinch.

Look for a book review in an upcoming BCHNS newsletter.

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