Reading List: Labor of Love

Posted on: January 21, 2012

Labor of Love. A Memoir of Gertrude Richards Ladner 1879 to 1976

  • Authors: Sheila J. Rankin Zerr, Glennis Zilm, Valerie Grant
  • 113p, index, B&W photos/illustrations.

Labor of Love: A Memoir of Gertrude Richards Ladner 1879 to 1976 is based on a short family document written by Edna G. Ladner, daughter of Gertrude Richards Ladner.

Based on the memoirs and family photographs and documents, the book provides insights into the life of a nurse of the early 1900s, her life as a student nurse and her early career as an operating room nurse at the Provincial Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria, British Columbia.

It also contains background on the pioneering Richards and Ladner families, as well as data relevant to the history of the Provincial Royal Jubilee Hospital and nursing uniforms of the day.


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