Reading List: Caring and Compassion

Posted on: November 8, 2011

Caring and Compassion
A History of the Sisters of St. Ann in Health Care in British Columbia

By Darlene Southwell
In 1875 Victoria citizens wanted the Sisters of St. Ann to build a hospital, and even though the organization had no money, they were able to come through with St. Joseph’s Hospital. The Sisters went on to open a major school of nursing in Victoria as well as hospitals in Campbell River, Smithers and Oliver and extended care homes in Victoria and Nelson, all of which played a significant role in the development of the province. Darlene Southwell, who was granted unlimited access to the Sisters’ archives in Victoria, spent five years writing Caring and Compassion, which, against a backdrop of racism, war and seemingly insurmountable financial crises, serves as both a history of the Sisters’ healing pursuits in BC and a mirror of the times. (Excerpts from Book Description, Harbour Publishing.
  • Harbour Publishing, Madeira Park BC
  • ISBN 978-1-55017-560-8 
  • $29.95 CAD Hardback 
  • 296 pp, 80 B&W photographs.
  • ISBN: 978-0-9783195-4-0, $32.00


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