Tisdall-Hatfield, Edith White “Toddy”
See Edith Tisdall Fonds 14
Edith White Tisdall was born in Vancouver, where her entrepreneurial father was a gunsmith and retail merchant; by the time she entered the UBC School of Nursing in 1923, he had served two terms as a Member (Conservative) of the Legislature in Victoria. He became mayor of and long-serving alderman for Vancouver.
At UBC, Edith nicknamed “Toddy”, was actively involved in campus activities, including the Players’ Club, before she entered the clinical portion of the Nursing program at Vancouver General Hospital. She graduated from both UBC and VGH in 1929. As one of the early UBC Nursing graduates, she embraced the new field of provincial public health and school nursing, moving to Kelowna after graduation to become school nurse for the district.
Although she stopped nursing with her marriage to Harley Robert Hatfield in 1932, she maintained a lifelong interest in public health nursing, keeping contact with classmates such as Muriel Upshall. For most of her married life, the couple and their four children lived in Penticton, where her husband ran a major construction company.
Contents of Biographical File
- Biographical Information Profile
- Deed of Gift form
- Information on materials received
- Vital events on Tisdall
- Information on Harley Hatfield
- Time Line
- Draft of item for Amazing Alums
- E-mails, 2009-2010.