Saunders, Helen
Helen graduated from the VGH School of Nursing, in 1939 and from UBC School of Nursing in 1940, specializing in Public Health. She took a Post Graduate Obstetrics course in Chicago which brought her into intimate contact with poverty in the ghetto. She joined the army as a nursing sister in World War II where she served on the home front. A postgraduate course in OR nursing and in teaching and supervision led to an 11-year appointment as a clinical nursing instructor VGH School of Nursing.
In 1961 she took her Masters’ degree in Nursing Education at the University of Washington, and moved to Victoria BC to become In- Service Education Supervisor at Royal Jubilee Hospital. She retired in 1975 to care for her elderly parents. In retirement, she was active in improving health care and was a contributor to the completion of a new patient tower at Royal Jubilee Hospital
Contents of Biographical File
- Biography from “1940’s Amazing Alumni Stories” on Internet.
- E-mail correspondence
- Biography