Nina Rumen
1927 – 2022
Honourary Membership received April 14, 2003
Nina, a founding member of the B.C. History of Nursing Society, has been a pillar of our group. Her contributions include the oral history project, nursing cards, treasurer for many years, chairing programs, planning gala dinners and archives committee member, all done with passion and dedication. Nina, a graduate of St. Paul’s Hospital School of Nursing, joined the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps in 1951 and served in Canadian Military Hospitals overseas and across Canada. She has been instrumental in ensuring that military nursing history in BC and beyond is honoured and preserved.
Nina has been active with the B.C. Registered Nurses Foundation, St. Paul’s Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae, and the Nursing Sisters Association of Canada. In 1999 she received the RNABC member recognition award for her dedicated participation in professional activities. The award of Honourary member of the BC History of Nursing Society was well earned. Nina is a treasured colleague and friend.
Nursing Sister, Nina Rumen was among other recipients of the Queen’s Jubilee Medal August 2012
After many years in Care, Nina passed away peacefully April 26, 2022

Photo Credit: BCHNS