BC History of Nursing Group (1990-2009)
Administrative History
The History of Nursing group grew out of a concern with the preservation of the provincial nursing heritage. The History of Nursing Interest Group met for approximately a year prior to the formation of the B.C. History of Nursing group. The earlier group had been part of an RNABC History of Nursing Advisory Committee, which was an ad hoc committee of the RNABC Board. This committee had been formed in 1988 to determine what should be done with a history project that had been started for the RNABC’s 75th anniversary in 1987. The Committee had also become concerned about oral history tapes that the RNABC had begun to collect.
The first meeting of the B.C. History of Nursing Professional Practice Group of the RNABC was held May 3, 1990. Their objectives are to provide a forum through which those interested in the history of nursing in British Columbia can exchange ideas and information; to encourage interest in the history of nursing in British Columbia; to promote study and research in the history of nursing in British Columbia; to encourage the preservation of materials related to the history of nursing and the lives of individual nurses; to encourage the teaching of nursing history in educational programs; and to disseminate information about the RNABC to its members. It is open to all nurses and other persons with an interest in the history of nursing who are eligible for membership and have paid required fees.
The stated goal is “to have a provincial history of nursing center in the Lower Mainland that is linked online with other agencies and/or schools of nursing in the province holding nursing artifacts or other archival materials”. Nurses, it was argued, must understand the challenges and opportunities of the past in order to prepare direction for the future. Efforts were made to incorporate nursing history into the curricula of nursing schools and faculties.
The administrative activities of the Group are carried out by an elected Executive Committee composed of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recorder, and Committee Chairs. Positions carry two year terms. The first President, Beverly Du Gas (1990-1993) was followed by Helen Shore (1992-1994), Ethel Warbinek (1994-1998), Helen Shore (1998-2000) Sheila Zerr (2000-2003) Lois Blais (2003-2006), and Ethel Warbinek (2006- 2008).
Scope and Content
Fonds consists of 1.34 m of textual records, with approximately 460 photographs and slides, along with audiotapes, a videotape and DVDs created and/or accumulated by the BC History of Nursing Professional Practice Group. It includes records created by the group in the course of its administrative activities, and accumulated in its function of preserving material related to the history of nursing in British Columbia and elsewhere. Much of the material has an historical value, both in regard to BC nursing, and farther afield. Series 7, subseries 1, includes a brief history of the RNABC. While there are some earlier records, most date from 1985 to 2007.
The records of several committees that made annual reports to the BCHNPPG are included. The Oral History Committee was established in 1981 to document the development of nursing and to capture some of the stories and activities of BC nurses. The memorial nursing portrait collection committee was established in 1990 to raise money for the History of Nursing Scholarship fund and to provide a lasting visual memorial for a friend or family member. Histories of hospitals and individuals are also documented. Events, programs and displays are documented through graphic, audio and textual material.
Reference material includes newsletters, records related to Florence Nightingale and the roles played by nurses in war. Postcards and other historical materials more generally related to nursing are also included.
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Beverly DuGas, first President of the BC History of Nursing Professional Practice Group 1990-1993

Helen Shore, second President of the BC History of Nursing Professional Practice Group 1992- 1994