Angus (nee McArdle), Monica (1932-
Monica Angus practiced as a clinical psychologist from 1981, particularly in forensic psychology. Prior to this she received her RN from St. Paul’s Hospital, M.A.s in Education and psychology, and a Ph.d. from Simon Fraser University in 1978. While she initially worked in pediatrics, she found that after she had children nursing was incompatible with a family life.
Her many activities have included being on the Department of Labour Board of Inquiry, and consultancies including Riverview Mental Hospital, Worker’s Compensation Board, Canada EAP Services Ltd., Corporate Health Consultants. Manulife, and the RCMP. Her committee service has included being both Vice-President and President of RNABC. She has numerous publications and has received a number of awards, including two Alice E. Wilson awards from the Canadian Federation of University Women.
Contents of Biographical File
- Biographical Information Profile with signed release.
- Curriculum Vitae