The PARC Retirement Living honoured all 33 of their Resident nurses ranging from the classes of 1938 to 1971. Our very own BCHNS member, Cheryl Entwistle, to the delight of the all, attended the “Nightingale Tea” in the 1905 RJH walking out costume. The message to these elderly nurses was a quote from Florence Nightingale “Let us never consider ourselves finished nurses…we must be learning all of our lives” The PARC Retirement Living Wellness Nurses from 6 facilities coordinated this wonderful event. At the conclusion, each nurse was presented with a long stem rose, BCHNS Florence Nightingale card & a copy of “A Tribute to the nurses on my journey” written by a nurse navigator in oncology, Texas, a friend of Cheryl’s niece. Read about event in the North Shore News