Call for Papers: Joint Conference of CAHN & CSHM

Posted on: October 26, 2016

Call for Nursing Papers

Call for Papers Joint Conference: Canadian Society for the History of Medicine (CSHM) and Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN)

May 27-29, 2017 Theme: From Far and Wide: The Next 150

The Canadian Society for the History of Medicine and the Canadian Association for the History of Nursing will hold a joint conference on May 27 to 29 at Ryerson University (Toronto, ON) in conjunction with the 2017 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The Programme Committee calls for papers that address the theme of this year’s Congress: “From Far and Wide: The Next 150.” Scholars are invited to mark Canada’s sesquicentennial by presenting research that draws on histories of medicine, healing, health, and disease to illuminate the individual and collective experiences of its past and future.  Proposals on topics unrelated to the Congress theme are also welcome.

Please submit an abstract and one-page CV for consideration by 15 November 2016 by e-mail to Susan Lamb, [email protected]. Abstracts must not exceed 350 words. We encourage proposals for organised panels of three (3) related papers; in this case, please submit a panel proposal of less than 350 words in addition to an abstract and one-page CV from each presenter. The Committee will notify applicants of its decision by December 15, 2016. Those who accept an invitation to present at the meeting agree to provide French and English versions of the accepted abstract for inclusion in the bilingual Program Book.

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