Call for Abstracts!

Posted on: January 21, 2014

The Canadian Association for the History of Nursing /Association Canadienne pour l’Histoire du Nursing Annual Conference will be held June 13-15, 2014 at York University, Toronto, Canada.

The theme for the 2014 conference is Local Work, Global Health and the Challenge of Transnational Nursing. The Abstract Committee is particularly interested in papers focusing on nursing in transnational, international and global contexts, but will, of course, welcome papers on all nursing history topics. Please note that the Abstract Committee will consider submissions of panels in addition to individual papers.

The Hannah/AMS Lecture will be delivered by Dr. Juanita De Barros of McMaster University Department of History. Dr. De Barros has authored and edited numerous volumes, including her first monograph Order and Place in a Colonial City: Patterns of Struggle and Resistance in Georgetown, British Guiana, 1889-1924 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002) as well as Health and Medicine in the Circum-Caribbean, 1800-1968 (co-edited with David Wright and Stephen Palmer, Routledge, 2009.) Her current research examines maternal and infant health policy in the British Caribbean.

Please submit your abstract (maximum 250 words) and one-page c.v. for consideration by 15 February 2014 to

N.B. If invited to present at the meeting, the author must undertake to provide a translation of the abstract for the bilingual program book.

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