Call for Applications and Deadline for submission: November 30, 2022

The Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN-ACHN) invites applications for the Vera Roberts’ Endowment (VRE).

The purpose of the VRE is to fund research, publication, or other forms of knowledge dissemination on the history of outpost nursing, broadly understood. Eligible project proposals may include a wide range of topics relevant to the history of nursing and health care in rural, remote, or northern communities in any geographical area.

Please Contact Dr. Margaret Scaia, [email protected] for further information or to inquire if your project or research would be suitable for this award. We welcome a range of diverse topics and approaches to the history of outpost nursing, broadly understood.

Please review the description of the Vera Roberts Award ( and if you are interested in applying, please complete the word document application package and send it to me at [email protected]

