Our Oral Histories of British Columbia Nurses
In 1987 in celebration its 75th anniversary, an oral history project to record the experiences of BC nurses was initiated by RNABC – later CRNBC. The History of Nursing Professional Practice Group, now the BC History of Nursing Society, took over this project when the group was established in 1989. The taped recordings were placed in the RNABC library and copies given to us for our archives. Since 2008, all recordings have been saved on CDs. Interviews on cassette tapes are being transferred as MP3 files and saved on our computer.
In 2015, the entire RNABC/CRNBC collection was gifted to us. There are 210 interviews in this collection.
The entire collection of oral histories have now been transferred to UBC Library Rare Books and Special Collections. To have access to listen to any of the oral histories you may click on the link: https://rbsc.library.ubc.ca/visiting/
We are pleased to share 3 interviews with you.
A full list of available recordings can be found here.
Elinor Knudson
- Click HERE to listen to an in-depth interview with Elinor Knudson (Aprox 50 minutes)
- Link will open in a new window
- This is a large file and may take a few seconds to open
Nan Martin
- Click HERE to listen to an in-depth interview with Nan Martin (Aprox 60 minutes)
- Link will open in a new window
- This is a large file and may take a few seconds to open
Kathy Murphy
- Click HERE to listen to an in-depth interview with Kathy Murphy (Aprox 50 minutes)
- Link will open in a new window
- This is a large file and may take a few seconds to open
To access original material and listen to interviews, click on the link: https://rbsc.library.ubc.ca/visiting/
RBSC Archivist, and digital copies could be available if requested.
- Grace Adamson
- Barbara Anderson
- Roaxy Anderson
- Louise Avery
- Rebecca Bancroft
- Eileen Barclay
- Annie Barnes
- Frances Benedict
- Phyllis Bernez
- Ethel Black
- Lois Blais
- Alice Bland
- Geraldine Boatness
- Helen Bollon
- Elizabeth Braund
- Patricia Brydon
- Marjorie Brown
- Thelma Brown
- James Bullen
- Margaret (Nancy) Bunn
- Marie Burroughs
- Margaret Calvert
- Helen Campbell
- Joyce Campbell
- Joyce Campkin
- Angela Carberry
- Barbara Carroll
- Joan Carruthers
- Elizabeth Cawston
- Christine Charter
- Jean Cicceri
- Edith Clark
- Grace Clarke
- Elizabeth Clement
- Mildred Cowan
- Lavinia Crane
- Hazel Creamer
- Lyle Creelman
- Kenneth Cunningham
- Joyce Currie
- Chezuko Diemert
- Grace Donald
- Joan Doree
- Jean Dorgan
- Florence Dougherty
- Muriel Down
- Beverly DuGas
- Deidre Duggan
- Sheila Early
- Ida Elliott
- Flora Evans
- Jean Fernie
- Mary Fisher
- Margaret Fletcher
- Isabel Ford
- Alice Fowler
- Ethel Freeman
- Esther Gardom
- Helen Gemeroy
- Ada George
- Dorothy D’Arcy Goldrick
- Christine Grant
- Stephany Grasset
- Trilby Green
- Trudy Greer
- Helen Grice
- Minnie Hackett
- Bernice Hatcher
- Jeanette Heathorn
- Louise Hemming
- Mary Henderson
- Kathleen Hodgson
- Alice Horsman
- Trenna Hunter
- Florence Innis
- Margaret Janzen
- Anne Jenkins
- Janet Johnson
- Jean Ellen Keays
- Catherine Keith
- Shirley Kelly
- Nan Kennedy
- Dorothy Kergin
- Dolores Kilpatrick
- Helen King
- Eleanor Kunderman
- Gertrude Langridge
- Geraldine Langton
- Joan Lansdell
- Geraldine La Pointe
- June Layhew
- Edith Lees
- Mary Lewis
- Clara Lim
- Lillian Loeppky
- Dorothy Logan
- Marie Logan
- Peggy Lynch
- Bernice Macdonald
- Elsie Macdonald
- Karin MacMillan
- Shirley McAllister
- Vivienne McConnell
- Hazel McCrae
- Ruth McIlraith
- Shirley McIntyre
- Margaret McLean
- Juanita McLennan
- Marion McLeod
- Debra McPherson
- Margaret Mainwaring
- Trudy Mantoiani
- Nan Martin
- Enid Matheson
- Kathy Matusiak
- Katherine Maxwell
- Doris Mellish
- Sadie Merrick
- Jessie Middleton
- Military Nursing Sisters
- Florence Moffat
- Alice Moillet
- Pat Morse
- Kathy Murphy
- Doris Murray
- Helen Mussallem
- Helen Mutrie
- Elizabeth Neil
- June Newton
- Margaret Neylan
- Pat Parr
- Nora Paton
- Esther Paulson
- Phyllis Payton
- Inga Perkin
- Winnifred Phillips
- Muriel Plattsby
- Marguerite Porter
- Jean Powell
- Dorothy Proudfoot
- Elsie Ransom
- Mary Richmond
- Betty Robertson
- Mary Rodgers
- Dr. P. Rodney
- Edna Rossiter
- Mary Rudge
- Nina Rumen
- Celia Runka
- Terry Schnurr
- Dianne Sharpe
- Betty Short
- Dorothy Slaughter
- Alice Smith
- Marion Smith
- Roselyn Smith
- Winifred Spalding
- Verna Splane
- Sara Staples
- Gloria Stephens
- Norah Stevens
- Margaret Street
- Beatrice Stroyan
- Frances Sutherland
- Anna Swail
- Doris Swift
- Alice Taylor
- Marjorie Thiessen
- Marjorie Thompson
- Ethel Thomson
- Ferne Trout
- Winifred Uttke
- Evelyn Waddell
- Ethel Wait
- Marian Walker
- Elsie Waugh
- Vida Wellwood
- Lois Whalley
- Eva Williamson
- Marilyn Willman
- Mary Woolam
- Bea Wood
- Vi Woodward
- Alice Wright
- Anne Wylie
- Alison Wyness
- Betty Wynne
- Ruth Yeandle
- Sheila Zerr