Wooding, Lillian Agnes

See Oral History Files, Fonds 18, Series 3, Subseries 8

Lillian Wooding arrived in Victoria with her family in 1913. She graduated from VGH in 1921, and, after a few years’ nursing, began work with the VON in 1928. This home care often enabled people to recover from their illness without needing to enter hospital. From 1930 to 1936 Lillian worked out of Winnipeg, combining nursing with practical family care. She moved to Gibsons in 1936, where her territory extended up to Powell River, and also worked as a school nurse. She believes that the current mounting cost of health care could lead to a revitalized VON, providing more economical and effective care in a home setting. Her hobbies included photography, with her work appearing in several Canadian magazines.  

Contents of Biographical File

  1. Cooper, Richard, “She Speaks for the VON,” The Islander, September 26-27, 1982, p.12.