In Honour of Cheryl Entwistle

  • Sponsor: Sheila Zerr

Cheryl Entwistle was born in Lampman and raised in Estevan Saskatchewan, graduating from Estevan High School. She entered Regina General Hospital School of Nursing and graduated as a Registered Nurse in 1965. Following graduation she accepted a staff position at Riverview General Hospital in Calgary.

Cheryl headed to Europe as a tourist 1966. When she returned Cheryl headed east to Ottawa to enter the University of Ottawa School of Nursing. She first obtained a Certificate in Teaching and Administration followed by a Bachelor of Nursing in 1971. Then she moved to Winnipeg to begin her teaching career. She accepted an interesting faculty position at the Misericordia Hospital where she taught for the next 7 years.

Heading west, Cheryl moved to Vancouver in 1978 to take up a faculty position at the University of British Columbia. During her UBC years she was a Lecturer, Clinical Instructor and Director of the Learning Resource Centre. Cheryl completed her Masters Degree in Education in 1984. Following graduate studies she was rehired to UBC faculty, serving in various management positions. In the final years of her distinguished teaching career she was appointed Director of the Post RN Program. She retired in 2009.

Cheryl’s professional and community involvement included executive positions with the British Columbia History of Nursing Society (BCHNS) and with the Canadian Association for University Schools of Nursing (CAUSN). She made valuable contributions to the organization and planning of national conferences. Cheryl was largely responsible for the presentation of the opera Florence Nightingale, The Lady with the Lamp in 2006 and coordinated the joint presentation between BCHNS and The Canadian Association for the History of Nursing to an international gathering of nurses from around the world.

Cheryl was involved and contributed to the National Organization of Nurse Educators, The Distance Education Organization and the Nursing Laboratory Educators.

Many nursing colleagues and students have benefited from Cheryl’s deep commitment to professional nursing.Cheryl Entwistle was born in Lampman and raised in Estevan Saskatchewan, graduating from Estevan High School. She entered Regina General Hospital School of Nursing and graduated as a Registered Nurse in 1965. Following graduation she accepted a staff position at Riverview General Hospital in Calgary.