Glennis Zilm

Honourary Membership received July 26, 2012


Glennis Zilm is known across Canada and in British Columbia as an expert writer, journalist, editor, and speaker on the history of nursing. She is a founding member of the B.C. History of Nursing Society and has served as newsletter editor, membership chair and initiator of numerous history of nursing projects. Glennis has partnered with the UBC Woodward Library in preserving and archiving the work of our many nursing leaders – Ethel Johns, Lyle Creelman, the WWII United Relief and Rehabilitation Administration to name a few. She has also facilitated having national nursing leaders recognized for their historical significance.

Glennis is in demand to give her fascinating and meticulously researched presentation, bringing history alive for students and the public, when she dresses as Mrs. Miller and shares her knowledge of the North West Rebellion. Her historical displays keep nursing history front and center for viewers.

A writer of note Glennis co-authored Legacy: History of nursing education at the University of British Columbia 1919-1994. This work has proven invaluable and is used by many historians and students across Canada and internationally. She has also written The Smart Way a guide for students, and many other nursing history publications.

Glennis has received many awards including the John B. Neilson Award from Associated Medical Services Canada for her longstanding contributions to the history of health care in Canada. Her work was recognized by the UBC Alumnae Awards Committee when she received the Blythe Eagles Volunteer Leadership Award.

The contributions Glennis has made to the history of Canadian nursing and health care are monumental.

She richly deserves to become an honourary life member of the B.C. History of Nursing Society.

In 2015 Glennis Zilm received the UBC School of Nursing Community Partnership Award. This award recognizes the various ways in which Glennis supports the School of Nursing. She mentors and teaches students, she keeps the history of the School and its leaders alive through historical writing, recognition awards and displays and she volunteers her time, energy and ideas to engage alumni in supporting the School. Glennis is truly a loyal and dedicated community partner!

Glennis Zilm BCHNS Honourary Membership

Photo Credit: Martin Dee & Lorand Szaasz

In 2019 Glennis was selected to receive the UBC School of Nursing Centenary Medal of Distinction.

The award was established in celebration of the School’s one hundred years of university=based nursing education. Medal winners have brought high honor to the School or to the profession of nursing.